Express Your Love, A Gift for Special Person on Christmas is a Good Idea, and Show Your Beauty Resep Roti Tawar
kiriman: Ny. Saiful Rohma, Dumai - Riau
Resep Bahan:
Tepung terigu tinggi protein 2kg.
Ragi instan / instant yeast 30 gram.
Mentega putih / margarin 100 gram.
Gula pasir 100 gram.
Air dingin 1200 ml.
Susu bubuk 30 gram.
Bread improver 6 gram.
Garam halus 25 gram.
Cara membuat resep bahan:
1. Campur resep bahan ini: tepung terigu, ragi gula pasir, susu bubuk, bread improver dan garam, aduk rata.
2. Masukkan campuran resep adonan ke dalam mangkuk mixer roti. Tuang air / air dingin sedikit demi sedikit dan margarin. Jalankan mixer dengan kecepatan 2 selama 12 menit atau hingga terbentuk adonan yang kalis dan elastis. Proses pengadukan bisa dilakukan secara manual dengan tangan hingga terbentuk adonan resep yang kalis.
3. Bulatkan resep adonan, fermentasikan adonan/ diamkan resep adonan di tempat yang hangat dan tertututp rapat selama 30 menit (10 menit jika difermentasikan di dalam lemari pengembang / proving cabinet).
4. Kempeskan resep adonan, timbang masing-masing seberat 425 gram untuk loyang ukuran 22x10x7 cm atau disesuaikan dengna besarnya cetakan roti tawar yang akan digunakan. Bulatkan kembali resep adonan dan fermentasikan lagi selama 15 menit.
5. Giling resep adonan dan gulung menjadi bentuk bulat panjang. Letakkan di dalam loyang beroles margarin / mentega.
6. Diamkan adonan selama 60 jam atau hingga adonan mengembang. Olesi permukaannya dengan susu tawar cair.
7. Panggang di dalam oven bertemperatur 190 derajat selama 30 menit atau hingga roti matang dan berwarna kuning kecokelatan.
8. Angkat roti dari oven, dinginkan. Kemas dengan kantung plastik / plastik wrap / kertas roti. Roti siap dipasarkan.
Resep ini cukup untuk 8 loyang.
Mengaduk adonan resep dengan tangan sebaiknya dilakukan di atas meja marmer atau meja keramik. Teknik mengaduk dilakukan dengan cara menguli (seperti mencuci pakaian) dan di banting-banting. Mengaduk dengan cara meremas-remas kurang disarankan karena gluten yang terbentuk akan terputus dan menyebabkan adonan tidak bisa elastis. ***
source: Tabloid Lezat
How to Cook a Really Crispy Duck or Chicken
How to Cook a real Crispy Duck
If you're like me you love the skin on the outside of duck, if it's crispy. The texture of the meal can totally be changed with a crispy skin.
The secret is to make sure the duck is scored across the front and salted heavily.
This helps dry up the skin and makes for a super crispy skin. You will not be the only one that enjoys this Crispy Duck Recipe, but everyone else at your dinner table. Take the duck that you're going to use for your main dish make slits in the breast with a knife and poke with a fork. Salt the breast heavily use your discretion and taste. You can use this method for any recipe you can think of.
Just use the cooking instructions from the recipe you are using. Place the bird breast down on the baking pan and cook like that for about of the total time that the recipe says to cook it for, making sure to drain the fat from the bird, usually by sticking it with a fork under the wings and legs.
During the last of the cooking use the broil on the oven to finish cooking up the breast. This should make the skin crispy while the duck is still moist. Since this way of cooking can be used for almost any recipe for crispy duck recipe you have, it gives you more choices for the texture you want to use for your meal.
Cooking is all about mixing things up and building your own ways of cooking and recipes.
Also since you are slitting only the fatty layer of the bird you can use that to tuck away some hidden seasoning. Try tucking your favorite herbs into the slits under the skin, as the fat melts away it'll trickle down and out of the bird but first it'll seep into the meat.
This can add a new dimension to the meat, making it even more succulent. Taking these tips you should be able to use your imagination to come up with many more combos. With crispy duck recipes you can add extra flavors and also add a whole new texture to the dish.
Use these two together to try out new things, using the crispy skin to add texture to an otherwise smooth meal. So the next meals with duck you cook try out some of these combos, just using your taste and imagination. There are thousands of recipes in books and the internet to mix and match with.***
by Hans Dekker
About the author: Hans is author of Steaks, Seafood and Barbeque Recipes at
Monday, December 1, 2008
Resep Roti Tawar
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