Sunday, November 30, 2008

Artikel: Mau Usaha Makanan, Baca dulu rahasia dan tip ini

Ingin Usaha Makanan? Baca Dulu Tips Ini
kiriman: Cahyadi Nugroho, Balikpapan.

Usaha makanan memiliki peluang begitu besar. Namun ada yang lebih penting lagi untuk dapat mengisi peluang tersebut adalah kesiapan mental. Berwirausaha membutuhkan mental yang lebih kuat. Untuk menjadi usahawan resep dan kuliner yang tangguh, diperlukan motivasi yang menjadikan usaha teresebut semakin berkembang. Motivasi adalah jantung usaha . Kesuksesan pengusaha tak terlepas dari kerja keras dan motivasi yang luar biasa. Apalagi dengan meningkatnya permintaan akan makanan resep modern semacam burger dan hotbeef akhir-akhir ini (pasar membesar) maka memulai usaha menadi begitu terbuka. Berikut hal-hal mengembangkan usaha resep makanan.

1. Tujuan
Bahwa berwirausaha memiliki tujuan yang mulia. Anda sadar berwirausaha adalah membantu orang lain atau minimal Anda tidak merepotkan orang lain. Tujuan tidak harus Anda kaitkan dengan penghasilan. Sebaik baiknya manusia adalah yang berguna bagi orang lain. Pengusaha merupakan contoh dari manusia yang memberi manfaat orang lain. Anda bisa memberi kesempatan kerja karena Anda memiliki karyawan, Anda bisa menyenangkan pembeli karena mereka memenuhi kebutuhan dasar yakni makan atau Anda bisa menggerakkan usaha orang lain lewat bahan baku yang Anda beli dari pedagang ayam dst. ini adalah sebuah gerakan yang berulang-ulang yang saling memberi manfaat. Anda boleh berangkat dari niat karena ingin mendapatkan uang yang lebih banyak, tapi uang yang lebih banyak akan datang saat Anda sudah membuat orang dalam bisnis Anda juga kaya.

Memasak selalu dikatikan dengan hobi atau kesenangan. Anda akan lebih cepat memulai usaha ini jika Anda mencintai dunia kuliner dan resep. Hobi adalah salah satu pertanda dari Allah kemana sebenarnya kita mulai usaha. Anda mencintai masakan atau minimal gemar makan bisa menjadi modal awal untuk melangkah.

Jangan Takut
Percayalah bahwa keberuntungan lebih berpihak pada orang yang berani. Memulai usaha tidak perlu takut. Resiko gagalnya sangat kecil sekali. Dari sisi modal Anda bisa mulai dari skala dapur, keahlian tidak ada masalah bahwa memasak bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun asal dengan hati (perasaan) maka resep masakan enak dan pembelinya insyaAllah ada karena orang hidup butuh makan. Dengan melihat potensi tersebut tidak ada alasan untuk takut memulai usaha. Anda juga bisa memulai dari skala yang paling kecil dengan biaya minim.

Hadapi Tantangan dan Kesulitan
Mengembangkan usaha bukan berarti tidak ada tantangan. Tantangan dan kesulitan bisa jadi muncul dari dalam atau kondisi eksternal. Percayalah bahwa tantangan yang datang bisa diselesaikan. Seperti sikhlus hidup usaha makanan juga menghadapi kerikil tajam di tengah jalan. Anda mampu menhadapinya. Dan setiap ada kesulitan pasti akan datang kemudahan. Aneka tantangan dan kesulitan semacam isu negatif dunia makanan, kesulitan modal, kegemukan, persaingan yang tidak fair, masalah suplai bahan baku, karyawan yang tidak jujur dst justru akan menjadikan Anda pribadi yang lebih matang. Dengan melewati dan menyelesaikannya, Anda akan semakin kuat.

Anda tidak perlu takut jika tidak menguasai bidang resep dan kuliner. Pelajari semua detail dengan penuh semangat. Jangan percaya bahwa bakat menentukan keberhasilan seseorang, lebih penting dari itu adalah keinginan yang kuat. Keinginan yang kuat untuk mempelajari bisnis resep dan kuliner adalah dasar untuk menjadi sukses. Bahkan Anda pun yang ahli harus tetap belajar karena dunia berkembang. Jika tidak maka Anda tertinggal.

Berani Berubah
Perubahan merupakan bagian yagn tidak terelakkan dalam hidup. Berani melakukan perubahan dalam hidup bisa mejadikan Anda tetap sukses. Bisnis makanan adalah fashion, mudah berubah dan dipengaruhi. Anda harus memperhatikan perubahan yang terjadi. Amati trends dan siklus umur bisnis sehingga Anda tidak tertinggal.

Sadar Potensi Diri
Menyadari potensi diri bukan berarti sombong tapi menyadari keberadaan dan anugerah yang telah diberikan Allah SWT. Bahwa setiap orang berhak untuk mendapatkan keberhasilan baik dari sisi finansial atau manfaat kepada orang lain. Tiap orang punya potensi, jangan matikan potensi Anda. ***

source: Tabloid Lezat


Making a Perfect Spanish Tortilla.

Spanish Tortilla, how to make this traditional Spanish dish as well as a few interesting variations.
Mexican and Spanish Tortillas are not to be confused as they are two very different dishes. Likewise this Spanish omelete is only a distant cousin to the French omelette as it is not folded but is quite thick and flat and normally contains potato and sometimes bits of meat or other vegetables. Traditionally the Spanish tortilla was taken by the peasants into the fields where it was eaten cold between two slices of homemade bread covered in Olive Oil.

It is often served in slices, again cold, in tapas bars. However it can equally well be enjoyed hot with a side salad and some crispy bread and as such is an important part of the health giving Mediterranean Diet.

The success of making a Spanish Tortilla lies in the turning of the omelette and cooking it on both sides. For this I use a specially designed wooden platter with a knob handle, rather reminiscent of a saucepan lid, which I bought in Spain. However provided the first side is well cooked an ordinary dinner plate will suffice. For a 4 egg Spanish Tortilla use an 8" (20cm) frying pan or smaller,so that it comes out good and thick. It goes without saying that Olive Oil should be used to cook it in.

Basic Spanish Tortilla.
I kilo potatoes 4-5 eggs 3 Tbs. chopped onion ( optional ) half tsp. salt. 50 ml. Olive oil

Either dice or slice the peeled potatoes. Heat the oil until very hot then add the potatoes and onions, if desired. Stir to completely cover in oil and seal them. Reduce heat slightly and continue stirring and cooking, without browning, for about 15 minutes. Using the edge of a metal spatula keep cutting into the potatoes, dicing them whilst they cook. When quite tender drain off the oil into a heat proof dish and put the potatoes in a bowl.Beat the eggs and salt together well, then stir into the potatoes and mix well.

Return the oil to the pan and reheat.Pour in the egg and potato mixture, let it set on the bottom then turn down the heat and cook slowly so it doesn't brown too fast. Run your spatula around the edge of the pan to stop it sticking and shake the pan frequently to keep it loose. When the bottom is cooked place a plate over the frying pan and turn your Spanish tortilla onto it, then return to the pan, uncooked side down and continue cooking for a further 5 minutes or so. Serves 2 as a main dish or 4-6 as an appetizer or first course.

Spanish Tortilla with Spinach.
This is a lovely healthy variation on the traditional dish.
6 Tbs. cooked spinach 2 tsps. finely chopped onion 2 eggs beaten salt and pepper grated cheese 1 Tbs. olive oil
Drain the spinach well and chop finely, mix with the onion, salt,pepper and beaten egg. Heat the oil in a small pan and pour in the mixture. Cook and turn as per the traditional Spanish tortilla and sprinkle with grated cheese just prior to serving.

Spanish Tortilla with Asparagus.
400 grams potatoes 100 grams cooked asparagus tips 1 onion thinly sliced 1 Tbs. chopped parsley 50 ml. olive oil half tsp. salt 100 grams brown breadcrumbs 6 eggs beaten
Dice the potatoes and cook with the onion in 2 tbs. olive oil, as per the basic recipe. When tender stir in the breadcrumbs and asparagus. Fry all for a few minutes. Mix together the eggs, parsley and salt.Add remaining oil to the pan, heat through then add egg mixture and cook and turn as for the basic Spanish tortilla recipe. Serves 6 as a starter.

Spanish Tortilla with Prawns.
6 prawns, cooked, peeled and chopped 2 eggs 1Tbs.finely chopped parsley salt and pepper 2 Tbs. olive oil
Add the chopped prawns to the well beaten eggs. Season with the salt, pepper and parsley. Heat the oil well and then cook and turn as above. ***

by Ruth Polak
About the author: Article submitted by Ruth Polak the owner of A web site specializing in holiday villas and apartments on the Costa del Sol and in Rural Andalucia. You will also find lots of information about Spain and Andalucia, in particular.


Is Fried Food Bad For You?

KFC changed its image by retiring the slogan Kentucky FRIED Chicken. Instead, they became known as serving up Kitchen Fresh Chicken. Long are the days of Wesson Oil commercials that proudly encouraged yummy fried chicken for dinner.

When was the last time you saw a splatter screen? How about a Fry Daddy? It must be a pretty big sin to eat fried foods these days. Or is it?

Look at the menu at Long John Silvers; nothing but fried food. Look at any menu for that matter, deep fried beer battered shrimp, fried clams, French fries, fried potatoes, fried eggs. Outback restaurant has the Blooming Onion, that puppy is soaked in oil. Fried Fried Fried.

So perhaps no one is trying to say that fried food is good for you, but nations sure are indulging in the grease laden foods, especially Americans. Perhaps this isn't a good time to bring up the Obesity statistics. But here's the kicker, "It tastes so good!" Granted, some fried foods are just too greasy, but a majority of them just taste delicious. That's why loads of indulgers treat themselves to a so many artery-closing delicacies!

First there were the French fries, now there are deep fried dill pickles and deep fried Oreos? How did THAT leap happen? Don't forget deep fried ice cream and deep fried peaches. Of course what menu isn't complete without the deep fried mushrooms, deep friend cheese sticks, and deep friend cauliflower? Perhaps if you deep fry vegetables, it's a little healthier? Is that how it works? Or if you deep fry already fattening nibbles, such as ice cream and Oreos, then it doesn't really matter because you're already cheating?

Nevertheless it continues. There's deep fried strawberries, Snickers, potato salad, zucchini, tofu, cheesecake, rice balls, bananas, corn, shrimp, and even deep fried turkey. Product flyers claim the winged bird is "so much juicier when cooked in a deep fryer!" So we got rid of the little table top Fry Daddy and went for the floor model turkey fryer. Umm, ok.

Then there's the big decision about what kind of oil to use? Olive, peanut, vegetable, canola, lard, butter, margarine or Valvoline 10-40? Certainly don't forget to check out your saturated fats against your polyunsaturated fats versus the monounsaturated fats.
Maybe you should say fats. Did we ever decide if fried was a bad word? Perchance the better word is Saut ed. Indeed. Saut ed Oreos - much healthier! ***

by Ronald Yip
About the author: Author: Ronald Yip Please visit my website at: Visit Internet's Unique Market Place for Info Products at: