Sunday, November 30, 2008

Resep Serabi Solo Rasa Durian

Resep Serabi Solo Durian.
kirman: Sundari, Karanganyar- Solo

Bahan resep yang digunakan:
225 gram tepung beras.
1/2 sendok teh ragi instan.
50 gram gula pasir.
1/2 sendok teh garam.
1 butir telur..
500 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa.
1 lembar daun pandan, disimpulkan.
1/4 sendok teh garam.
150 gram daging durian.
2 buah (30 gram) nangka, dipotong kotak untuk taburan.

Bahan resep areh:
200 ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa.
1/4 sendok teh garam.
1 lembar daun pandan, disimpulkan.

Cara pengolahan resep:
1. Areh: rebus santan, garam dan daun pandan sambil diaduk di atas api kecil sampai kental. Sisihkan.
2. Rebus resep santan, daun pandan dan garam sambil diaduk sampai mendidih. Angkat.
3. Tambahkan daging durian. Blender halus. Ukur 600 gram. Biarkan hangat.
4. Campur resep tepung beras, ragi instan, gula pasir dan garam. Aduk rata. Tambahkan telur dan aduk rata.
5. Tuang campuran resep santan sedikit-sedikit sambil diuleni dan dikocok dengan keceptan rendah 15 menit. Diamkan 1 jam.
6. Panaskan wajan besi yang diberi parutan kelapa. Aduk-aduk kelapa sampai berminyak. Buang kelapanya dan panaskan 5 menit lagi dengan api sedang.
7. Taung resep adonan di wajan besi. Tekan bagian tengahnya sampai berkulit bagian sisinya. Biarkan sampai mengembang. Tabur nangka. Kecilkan api. Tutup dan biarkan sampai matang. Oles dengan resep bahan areh.
Resep serabi solo durian ini untuk 24 buah.***

source: Tabloid Saji


Bubble Bread It Can Be Satisfying

Bubble bread is one of the breads that I have found to be kind of unique and definitely different, but good.
I like the taste and texture of this bread and the aroma will make you want more.

1 cup warm milk
cup shortening
cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 package dry yeast
2 beaten eggs
4 cups flour sifted

cup raisins
Mix warm milk, sugar, shortening and salt together then add yeast. When yeast is dissolved add eggs and sifted flour and raisins. Kneed for 10 minutes and set aside in a large bowl until double in size.

While dough is rising take 1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
cup walnuts

Melt butter and set aside. Mix remaining ingredients in a separate bowl, cut and form dough into small bun size pieces. Dip bun in butter and roll in sugar and nut mixture, arrange in staggered rows in a greased angel food pan. Let rise until double in size.
Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 45 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for a while and then break off a piece and "enjoy". ***

by Andrew Krause
About the author: Andrew Krause is a Chef and Pastry Chef for over 30 years, at persent I own a Gourmet Bakery called The Cheese Confectioner. You can visit my site at

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