International Recipes :
:: Fruit Salad with Champagne Sauce
:: Spicy Fruit Salad
:: Pasta Salad Basics
:: Salad as Simple as They are Delicious
:: Growing Your Own Resep Salad
:: Sandwich Bakar
Fast Food:
:: Presto Pizzazz Pizza Oven Baking Tips
:: Making The Best Sauce To Go With The Best Raviolis
:: Hot and Spicy Sauces
:: Why Do We Eat So Much Pizza?
Organic Food Articles:
:: Herbs and Spices: the essence of flavor
:: Tomatoes and Sweet Onion with Roquefort Dressing
:: The Importance of Fiber to a Healthy Diet
:: Healthy Recipes
:: Benefits & Uses of Apples
:: Why eat organic foods?
:: Beans, Beans and More Beans
:: No Fail Fruitcake Recipe
:: How About A Cup Of Organic Coffee
:: Fruit Salad with Champagne Sauce
:: Spicy Fruit Salad
:: Pasta Salad Basics
:: Salad as Simple as They are Delicious
:: Growing Your Own Resep Salad
:: Sandwich Bakar
Fast Food:
:: Presto Pizzazz Pizza Oven Baking Tips
:: Making The Best Sauce To Go With The Best Raviolis
:: Hot and Spicy Sauces
:: Why Do We Eat So Much Pizza?
Organic Food Articles:
:: Herbs and Spices: the essence of flavor
:: Tomatoes and Sweet Onion with Roquefort Dressing
:: The Importance of Fiber to a Healthy Diet
:: Healthy Recipes
:: Benefits & Uses of Apples
:: Why eat organic foods?
:: Beans, Beans and More Beans
:: No Fail Fruitcake Recipe
:: How About A Cup Of Organic Coffee
Finding Free Resep Masakan Online
If you love to cook, you are likely always looking for the next new resep to try out on your family and friends. The thing about cooking is that it can be quite boring if you always cook the same things. So, when you are in need of new resep, you might automatically run out and buy the newest cook book on the shelves. The problem is that when you do this, it can be quite expensive to try out new meals.
One easy way you can get resep for free is by looking online. You can find resep online by doing several things. First, you can try to find free resep by doing a search. Go to your favorite or nearest search engines and type in “free resep”. You will be shocked at how many resep will turn up.
Another way you can find free resep online is by visiting the sites of your favorite magazines. Magazines that focus mostly on women and family will likely always have a few new resep per week on their sites, which can be very helpful to those seeking out the newest resep for no cost.
So, instead of shelling out thirty dollars for the newest cookbook each time you start craving new resep, simply hop online and do some research. You will find that you can even type in a specific meat and get the results of new resep containing that meat. It is amazing and fun to get so much for no cost at all and start cooking in ways you never imagined before.
Why Pay for Resep Masakan When You Get Them Online for Free?
With so many resep web site online, why should you pay for resep? The Internet really gives you a great resource of many different web sites. There is a great variety of web sites out there. Some sites are run by food companies such as Kraft foods, Barilla Pasta, and Land O’Lakes. Other sites are run by magazines like Martha Steward, Women’s Day, Family Circle, and many others. There are other websites that are simply collections of resep.
Many companies such as Kraft foods build websites so you will use their ingredients in the food that you make. On Kraft’s website you can find so many resep for things made with cheese: resep casseroles, resep appetizers, resep breads, resep pizzas, and so much more resep. Other sites such as Barilla Pasta feature resep that are specialize in resep pasta. Land of Lakes features resep that contain butter: resep cookies, resep sauces, resep breads, a variety of resep desserts, and so much more. If you buy a particular resep brand of food, chances are that there is a web site to compliment what you just bought.
Many magazines offer free resep online. Bon Appetit, Gourmet Magazine offers tons of resep from current resep magazines as well as the past. Other resep magazines such as Woman’s Day, and Family Circle offer so many free resep. So if you can think of a resep magazine you enjoy, chances are there is a web site to match.
Another terrific type of resep web site are simply ones that are collections of resep. features many resep from its viewers, people just like you. SOAR resep archive has been around since around 1995 and is a non profit web site that features thousands of resep from many different categories. Be sure to use your favorite search engine to find resep collections based upon resep pies, resep cakes, French, and just about any other sorts of resep you can think of.
You can easily see that there are many different free resep available online. There is really no need in purchasing resep when there is a great variety that is available for you. There are literally thousands of resep and cooking web sites that are waiting for you to explore them.
Do I Really Need to Follow a Resep?
These days, its seems like everyone is looking for different resep to add to their tried and true favorites. Many people are looking for resep that are low carb or that fit into the type of diet they are on. Or, they are looking for a new things they can make for busy nights like crock pot recipes or quick resep. Maybe you are looking for a new cookie resep or even an easy gourmet resep.
Whatever your choice is, you can usually do a search for them online.
There are many, many websites full of different and new resep for you to try. Most web sites offering resep are able to provide them free of charge. With so many people looking to expand their cooking ability or learn new resep, the web is a wonderful tool.
Search for quick resep online and you may find not only resep that are quick, but time saving tips and things you can do ahead to make dinner time quick and simple. You may find many types of quick resep as well from crock pot resep that are prepared well ahead of time to easy gourmet resep. You'll find low carb or low fat resep to meet your needs.
Regardless of how you are looking for them or what you are looking for, everyone seems to like new resep to add to their favorites!
Do you have the skills to help you transition from drive through mentality to preparing full family dinners?
Yes, I laughed at this concept too. The whole idea that I could have the time or energy to make dinner for my family every day is laughable. Then I started implementing these tips and our family life actually changed. I would like to share with you how to make easy dinner recipes work for you on a daily basis.
Tip 1: Get a calendar.
This is an organizing tool that works for everyone I know and it's so simple you're going to just say, "Stacy, come on. Do you think we're simpletons?". Not at all. But when you're writing down all of your activities for the day, note what days are going to be crunches and which look not so bad.
If Tuesday looks horrid, buy a rotisserie chicken, some great rolls, a bag of Caesar salad and you've got chicken sandwiches in a flash. You'll only go through half the chicken and when Wednesday hits, you have the makings of a great pasta. Your calendar can be your best friend so map out your week in advance and write on each day what dinner is going to be.
Tip 2: Post a shopping list inside your pantry door.
This will help you remember the odd items that come up (saran wrap gets me all the time) plus as you're doing your meal planning at the beginning of the week you can easily populate the items you need to make those dinners.
Tip 3: Consolidate.
One grocery trip per week period. Don't make life harder than it is. When in doubt, refer to Tip #2 and be diligent with that.
Tip 4: Get everyone else involved.
I have two children so they get to pick one meal every two weeks. My daughter picks one week and then my son the next. I find a day that looks good and ask for their choice ahead of time. They get excited to for having dinner at home because it's their choice and I don't have to force anyone to eat anything.
Tip 5: Get tech-y.
Subscribe to blogs or websites that have great recipes emailed right to you each week. I have been fortunate enough to subscribe to a program that helps me out tremendously. Not only does it have a huge library of recipes to pick from, but it helps me put the recipes onto a list and then even makes a grocery list for me. I don't know how I ever lived without it. There are quite a few of these sites out there, but the one I use can be found here.
Tip 6: Be flexible.
We're not perfect and even the best laid plans sometimes fall apart. An occasional Pizza picked up in desperation is o.k.. We also have scramble nights when the plan has deteriorated and we get to just pick anything from the pantry we want - from a bowl of cereal to left over steak. We're all great with those evenings because we know that tomorrow we'll get back on the program.
I have a career, own a second business, have two children who are both heavily involved in sports and regularly volunteer for local, national and international service projects. Super-Mom I am not, but I have found some invaluable tools that have helped me stay sane (well most days at least). Taking the stress out of my life is a major priority and I hope you can join me in making dinner easy and delicious again. Visit me on my blog at
By: Stacy Nelson
10 Tips for Fixing Heart Healthy Resep
Do you remember Grandma's apple cobbler? Is spaghetti one of your favorite meals? You can still eat these things, but new versions of them, if you know how to swap ingredients. Here are 10 tips for fixing heart healthy resep.
1. Replace eggs wih a cholesterol-free egg substitute.
If you don't have a substitute on hand, you may use egg whites. According to the American Heart Association, two egg whites may be substituted for a whole egg in baking resep.
2. Use fat free (skim) milk.
This one change saves you calories and lowers your cholesterol level.
3. Choose non-fat cheese.
For better melting Dr. Richard Collins, author of The Cooking Cardiologist, recommends soaking the cheese in milk for a few minutes before adding it to resep.
4. Add fiber
-- fresh fruit, dried fruit, vegetables, and grains -- whenever possible. Fiber is good for you and fills you up.
5. Cook with plant oils, such as olive, corn, and canola.
If you're sauteing food, add a teaspoon of butter to the oil for flavor. Use as little oil as possible.
6. Swap unsweetened applesauce for shortening in baking recipes.
But cooking is chemistry and, for best results, you may have to add a teaspoon of oil.
7. Hold the salt.
Excess salt raises your blood pressure. Insstead of salt Mayo Clinic recommends citrus zest, fresh and dried herbs. To bring out the flavor of dried herbs rub them with your fingers before adding them to the resep.
8. Cut back on sugar.
Recipes made with half the sugar may taste just as sweet. Instead of sugar you may use Splenda, a no-calorie sweetener made from sugar, or half Splenda and half sugar.
9. Go lean on protein.
Buy lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken, extra lean chops and fish. Some resep, like spaghetti sauce with mushrooms, may not need protein at all.
10. Eat normal (not supersized) servings.
According to the Univesity of Missouri Extension Service, large servings add up to 200-500 calories a day, which can add up to 20-50 extra pounds a year.
A few ingredient changes can have a huge impact on your heart health. Before you know it these swaps will be automatic. The heart is your body's main pump so take care of it.
By: Harriet Hodgson
Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 26 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Her latest book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, written with Lois Krahn, MD, is availble on Go to for more information on her work. Hodgson is hard at work on her next book, Doctor in the House: An Inside Look at Medical Marriage.
Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson.
Seputar Resep Online
Resep Online merupakan situs dunia resep dan kuliner Indonesia. Disini disajikan berbagai resep masakan, mulai dari resep masakan tradisional sampai resep masakan berbagai negara. Kami juga menyuguhkan berbagai resep lainnya seperti resep minuman, resep jus, resep makanan ringan, resep bumbu masak, resep jajanan pasar, resep berbuka puasa, resep kolak, resep kue, resep kue hantaran dan resep mudah lainnya. Selain itu kami juga menampilkan berbagai artikel menarik bukan hanya tentang dunia resep dan kuliner, namun juga tips-tips dan resep kesehatan yang memberi kita inspirasi tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita dari makanan dan minuman yang kita konsumsi.
Juga tidak luput artikel menarik tentang khasiat obat-obatan tradisional Indonesia. Kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia terkenal dengan tanaman obatnya dan jamunya. Di luar negeri hal itu sudah diketahui dan menjadi acuan dan penelitian beberapa ahli di bidang ini. Banyak obat-obatan tradisional Indonesia yang sudah menembus pasar ekspor mancanegara. Juga tanaman obatnya sudah banyak dikembangkan dan dibudidayakan. Ini merupakan indikasi bahwa tanaman obat Indonesia sudah menjadi resep penyembuhan yang banyak dipergunakan. Dan yang tak kalah serunya adalah resep obat kejantanan juga banyak berasal dari tanaman obat Indonesia. Dan semua itu akan kami sajikan di artikel Resep Online ini.
Di Resep Online kami juga mengundang Anda dan berbagai pihak untuk turut menyumbangkan ilmunya dengan mengirim artikel-artikel seputar resep masakan dan resep minuman. Hal ini sangat kami harapkan kerena resep yang kami suguhkan tentulah terbatas. Resep-resep masakan yang dikirimkan kepada kami semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca yang lain dan kami tampilkan sesegera mungkin. Dan dengan ini kami juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Ibu-Ibu dan rekan remaja putri yang telah mengirimkan resep masakan, resep kue dan resep minuman-nya kepada kami. Semoga ilmu dan resep ini tidak sia-sia dan dapat dimanfaatkan bagi pembaca di seluruh Indonesia.
Sebagian besar pembaca situs Resep Online ternyata berasal dari luar Indonesia. Ini kami ketahui dari statistik yang kami rekam dan kami pasang pada situs ini. Ini tidak mustahil karena di mesin pencari berekstensi dot com (, resep Online ternyata berada di posisi teratas. Kami sangat bersyukur akan hal ini dan berusaha meningkatkan kualitas situs dengan resep-resep terbaru agar situs ini makin lengkap dan tidak mengecewakan pembacanya.
.............. One easy way you can get resep for free is by looking online. You can find resep online by doing several things. First, you can try to find free resep by doing a search. Go to your favorite or nearest search engines and type in “free resep”. You will be shocked at how many resep will turn up.
Another way you can find free resep online is by visiting the sites of your favorite magazines. Magazines that focus mostly on women and family will likely always have a few new resep per week on their sites, which can be very helpful to those seeking out the newest resep for no cost.
So, instead of shelling out thirty dollars for the newest cookbook each time you start craving new resep, simply hop online and do some research. You will find that you can even type in a specific meat and get the results of new resep containing that meat. It is amazing and fun to get so much for no cost at all and start cooking in ways you never imagined before.
Why Pay for Resep Masakan When You Get Them Online for Free?
With so many resep web site online, why should you pay for resep? The Internet really gives you a great resource of many different web sites. There is a great variety of web sites out there. Some sites are run by food companies such as Kraft foods, Barilla Pasta, and Land O’Lakes. Other sites are run by magazines like Martha Steward, Women’s Day, Family Circle, and many others. There are other websites that are simply collections of resep.
Many companies such as Kraft foods build websites so you will use their ingredients in the food that you make. On Kraft’s website you can find so many resep for things made with cheese: resep casseroles, resep appetizers, resep breads, resep pizzas, and so much more resep. Other sites such as Barilla Pasta feature resep that are specialize in resep pasta. Land of Lakes features resep that contain butter: resep cookies, resep sauces, resep breads, a variety of resep desserts, and so much more. If you buy a particular resep brand of food, chances are that there is a web site to compliment what you just bought.
Many magazines offer free resep online. Bon Appetit, Gourmet Magazine offers tons of resep from current resep magazines as well as the past. Other resep magazines such as Woman’s Day, and Family Circle offer so many free resep. So if you can think of a resep magazine you enjoy, chances are there is a web site to match.
Another terrific type of resep web site are simply ones that are collections of resep. features many resep from its viewers, people just like you. SOAR resep archive has been around since around 1995 and is a non profit web site that features thousands of resep from many different categories. Be sure to use your favorite search engine to find resep collections based upon resep pies, resep cakes, French, and just about any other sorts of resep you can think of.
You can easily see that there are many different free resep available online. There is really no need in purchasing resep when there is a great variety that is available for you. There are literally thousands of resep and cooking web sites that are waiting for you to explore them.
Do I Really Need to Follow a Resep?
These days, its seems like everyone is looking for different resep to add to their tried and true favorites. Many people are looking for resep that are low carb or that fit into the type of diet they are on. Or, they are looking for a new things they can make for busy nights like crock pot recipes or quick resep. Maybe you are looking for a new cookie resep or even an easy gourmet resep.
Whatever your choice is, you can usually do a search for them online.
There are many, many websites full of different and new resep for you to try. Most web sites offering resep are able to provide them free of charge. With so many people looking to expand their cooking ability or learn new resep, the web is a wonderful tool.
Search for quick resep online and you may find not only resep that are quick, but time saving tips and things you can do ahead to make dinner time quick and simple. You may find many types of quick resep as well from crock pot resep that are prepared well ahead of time to easy gourmet resep. You'll find low carb or low fat resep to meet your needs.
Regardless of how you are looking for them or what you are looking for, everyone seems to like new resep to add to their favorites!
Do you have the skills to help you transition from drive through mentality to preparing full family dinners?
Yes, I laughed at this concept too. The whole idea that I could have the time or energy to make dinner for my family every day is laughable. Then I started implementing these tips and our family life actually changed. I would like to share with you how to make easy dinner recipes work for you on a daily basis.
Tip 1: Get a calendar.
This is an organizing tool that works for everyone I know and it's so simple you're going to just say, "Stacy, come on. Do you think we're simpletons?". Not at all. But when you're writing down all of your activities for the day, note what days are going to be crunches and which look not so bad.
If Tuesday looks horrid, buy a rotisserie chicken, some great rolls, a bag of Caesar salad and you've got chicken sandwiches in a flash. You'll only go through half the chicken and when Wednesday hits, you have the makings of a great pasta. Your calendar can be your best friend so map out your week in advance and write on each day what dinner is going to be.
Tip 2: Post a shopping list inside your pantry door.
This will help you remember the odd items that come up (saran wrap gets me all the time) plus as you're doing your meal planning at the beginning of the week you can easily populate the items you need to make those dinners.
Tip 3: Consolidate.
One grocery trip per week period. Don't make life harder than it is. When in doubt, refer to Tip #2 and be diligent with that.
Tip 4: Get everyone else involved.
I have two children so they get to pick one meal every two weeks. My daughter picks one week and then my son the next. I find a day that looks good and ask for their choice ahead of time. They get excited to for having dinner at home because it's their choice and I don't have to force anyone to eat anything.
Tip 5: Get tech-y.
Subscribe to blogs or websites that have great recipes emailed right to you each week. I have been fortunate enough to subscribe to a program that helps me out tremendously. Not only does it have a huge library of recipes to pick from, but it helps me put the recipes onto a list and then even makes a grocery list for me. I don't know how I ever lived without it. There are quite a few of these sites out there, but the one I use can be found here.
Tip 6: Be flexible.
We're not perfect and even the best laid plans sometimes fall apart. An occasional Pizza picked up in desperation is o.k.. We also have scramble nights when the plan has deteriorated and we get to just pick anything from the pantry we want - from a bowl of cereal to left over steak. We're all great with those evenings because we know that tomorrow we'll get back on the program.
I have a career, own a second business, have two children who are both heavily involved in sports and regularly volunteer for local, national and international service projects. Super-Mom I am not, but I have found some invaluable tools that have helped me stay sane (well most days at least). Taking the stress out of my life is a major priority and I hope you can join me in making dinner easy and delicious again. Visit me on my blog at
By: Stacy Nelson
10 Tips for Fixing Heart Healthy Resep
Do you remember Grandma's apple cobbler? Is spaghetti one of your favorite meals? You can still eat these things, but new versions of them, if you know how to swap ingredients. Here are 10 tips for fixing heart healthy resep.
1. Replace eggs wih a cholesterol-free egg substitute.
If you don't have a substitute on hand, you may use egg whites. According to the American Heart Association, two egg whites may be substituted for a whole egg in baking resep.
2. Use fat free (skim) milk.
This one change saves you calories and lowers your cholesterol level.
3. Choose non-fat cheese.
For better melting Dr. Richard Collins, author of The Cooking Cardiologist, recommends soaking the cheese in milk for a few minutes before adding it to resep.
4. Add fiber
-- fresh fruit, dried fruit, vegetables, and grains -- whenever possible. Fiber is good for you and fills you up.
5. Cook with plant oils, such as olive, corn, and canola.
If you're sauteing food, add a teaspoon of butter to the oil for flavor. Use as little oil as possible.
6. Swap unsweetened applesauce for shortening in baking recipes.
But cooking is chemistry and, for best results, you may have to add a teaspoon of oil.
7. Hold the salt.
Excess salt raises your blood pressure. Insstead of salt Mayo Clinic recommends citrus zest, fresh and dried herbs. To bring out the flavor of dried herbs rub them with your fingers before adding them to the resep.
8. Cut back on sugar.
Recipes made with half the sugar may taste just as sweet. Instead of sugar you may use Splenda, a no-calorie sweetener made from sugar, or half Splenda and half sugar.
9. Go lean on protein.
Buy lean cuts of beef, skinless chicken, extra lean chops and fish. Some resep, like spaghetti sauce with mushrooms, may not need protein at all.
10. Eat normal (not supersized) servings.
According to the Univesity of Missouri Extension Service, large servings add up to 200-500 calories a day, which can add up to 20-50 extra pounds a year.
A few ingredient changes can have a huge impact on your heart health. Before you know it these swaps will be automatic. The heart is your body's main pump so take care of it.
By: Harriet Hodgson
Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 26 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Her latest book, Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief, written with Lois Krahn, MD, is availble on Go to for more information on her work. Hodgson is hard at work on her next book, Doctor in the House: An Inside Look at Medical Marriage.
Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson.
Seputar Resep Online
Resep Online merupakan situs dunia resep dan kuliner Indonesia. Disini disajikan berbagai resep masakan, mulai dari resep masakan tradisional sampai resep masakan berbagai negara. Kami juga menyuguhkan berbagai resep lainnya seperti resep minuman, resep jus, resep makanan ringan, resep bumbu masak, resep jajanan pasar, resep berbuka puasa, resep kolak, resep kue, resep kue hantaran dan resep mudah lainnya. Selain itu kami juga menampilkan berbagai artikel menarik bukan hanya tentang dunia resep dan kuliner, namun juga tips-tips dan resep kesehatan yang memberi kita inspirasi tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan tubuh kita dari makanan dan minuman yang kita konsumsi.
Juga tidak luput artikel menarik tentang khasiat obat-obatan tradisional Indonesia. Kita ketahui bahwa Indonesia terkenal dengan tanaman obatnya dan jamunya. Di luar negeri hal itu sudah diketahui dan menjadi acuan dan penelitian beberapa ahli di bidang ini. Banyak obat-obatan tradisional Indonesia yang sudah menembus pasar ekspor mancanegara. Juga tanaman obatnya sudah banyak dikembangkan dan dibudidayakan. Ini merupakan indikasi bahwa tanaman obat Indonesia sudah menjadi resep penyembuhan yang banyak dipergunakan. Dan yang tak kalah serunya adalah resep obat kejantanan juga banyak berasal dari tanaman obat Indonesia. Dan semua itu akan kami sajikan di artikel Resep Online ini.
Di Resep Online kami juga mengundang Anda dan berbagai pihak untuk turut menyumbangkan ilmunya dengan mengirim artikel-artikel seputar resep masakan dan resep minuman. Hal ini sangat kami harapkan kerena resep yang kami suguhkan tentulah terbatas. Resep-resep masakan yang dikirimkan kepada kami semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca yang lain dan kami tampilkan sesegera mungkin. Dan dengan ini kami juga mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada Ibu-Ibu dan rekan remaja putri yang telah mengirimkan resep masakan, resep kue dan resep minuman-nya kepada kami. Semoga ilmu dan resep ini tidak sia-sia dan dapat dimanfaatkan bagi pembaca di seluruh Indonesia.
Sebagian besar pembaca situs Resep Online ternyata berasal dari luar Indonesia. Ini kami ketahui dari statistik yang kami rekam dan kami pasang pada situs ini. Ini tidak mustahil karena di mesin pencari berekstensi dot com (, resep Online ternyata berada di posisi teratas. Kami sangat bersyukur akan hal ini dan berusaha meningkatkan kualitas situs dengan resep-resep terbaru agar situs ini makin lengkap dan tidak mengecewakan pembacanya.
Resep & Resepi for Baking:
Resep & Resepi from keluarga Jatmiko:
Resep from Kalyn"s Kitchen:
- Turkey Leftover Recipes from Kalyn's Kitchen - 2008 Nov 27
- Low Sugar and Flourless Apple Cranberry Crumble Recipe for a Low-Glycemic Thanksgiving Dessert - 2008 Nov 26
- How to Make Turkey Stock - 2008 Nov 26
- Easy Recipe for Agave and Balsamic Glazed and Roasted Buttercup Squash - 2008 Nov 25
- Monthly Archives for Kalyn's Kitchen - 2008 Nov 4
Resep from Dapur 6100:
Resep from Dapur Mungil :
Resep from Dapoernya Nien:
Resep from My Little Kitchen:
Resep & Resepi from Kedai Hamburg
- Ginger Coffee with spices & Birthday Cake - 2008 Nov 22
- Risoles - 2008 Nov 15
- Nasi Kebuli/Kebuli Rice - 2008 Nov 7
- Thank You - 2008 Nov 4
- Rollade Tahu - 2008 Okt 30
Resep & Resepi from Diajar Masak:
Resep & Resepi from V-Recipes:
Resep & Resepi from IniKuliner:
Resep & Resepi from Resep Campur:
Resep & Resepi from MyResep:
Resep & Resepi from CuekWordpress:
Resep & Resepi for Holidays and Events:
- Thanksgiving: Baked Miniature Pumpkins | Submitted By: Kim Smith - 2008 Nov 30
- Events and Gatherings: Citrus Carrot Cake | Submitted By: Carol - 2008 Nov 30
- Thanksgiving: Vegan Corn Muffins | Submitted By: Astrophe - 2008 Nov 30
- Events and Gatherings: Beer Cheese Pretzel and Dip | Submitted By: Doreen - 2008 Nov 30
- Thanksgiving: Holiday Pumpkin Cake with Rum-Cream Cheese Glaze | Submitted By: Kristi Catalani - 2008 Nov 29
Resep & Resepi for Healthy Living:
- Egg-Free Recipes: Lisa's Sunflower Bread | Submitted By: Lisa - 2008 Nov 30
- Low-Carb Recipes: Sauerkraut Balls | Submitted By: Paula - 2008 Nov 30
- Low-Fat Recipes: Exotic Indian Tangy Rice | Submitted By: sree - 2008 Nov 30
- Low-Calorie Recipes: Pumpkin, Sweet Potato, Leek and Coconut Milk Soup | Submitted By: sexyliscious - 2008 Nov 30
- Low-Sodium Recipes: A Different Carrot Raisin Salad | Submitted By: Karena - 2008 Nov 30
Resep & Resepi for Main Dish:
- Sandwiches and Wraps: Jeff's Sloppy Joes | Submitted By: Jeff Davis - 2008 Nov 30
- Meatless Main Dishes: Risotto with Tomato, Corn and Basil | Submitted By: jessica - 2008 Nov 30
- Meatless Main Dishes: Tempeh Fajitas | Submitted By: Karen Saul - 2008 Nov 29
- Meatless Main Dishes: Baby Spinach Omelet | Submitted By: HOLLYJUNE - 2008 Nov 28
- Main Dish Fish and Shellfish: Maple Teriyaki Salmon Barbeque | Submitted By: Susanne Demers - 2008 Nov 25
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