Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Betel leaf for medicine, and other benefits

This article was sent by Mrs. Atoen Wibowo
Betel leaf: Treating nosebleeds Leucorrhea Up ..!
* Betel is a medicinal plant which is very big benefits. It contains an antiseptic substance in all its parts. The leaves are widely used to treat nosebleeds, bloodshot eyes, whitish, making a loud voice, and many more, including erectile dysfunction.
Efficacy of betel leaf has many known and have been clinically tested. Until now, research on these crops are being developed.
Betel leaf has been known for centuries by our ancestors as a powerful medicinal plant. Not only known as medicinal plants, plants Latin name Piper betle Lynn also had a special place in the traditional festivities in several regions in Indonesia.
In Lampung, there is a dance named penggung cambai. Penggung means holding, while cambai betel. This dance describes the interaction of young people who uphold traditions. Betel leaf in this dance describes the symbol of respect.
In many other traditional events, betel leaves, often served to welcome guests. In Java, betel leaves are used in traditional wedding ceremonies.
High Antiseptic Substances
* Traditionally, a plant originating from India, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia are used to overcome the body and mouth odor, mouth ulcer, nosebleeds, rashes and ulceration, and treating the woman's whiteness.
This is because medicinal plants that had been known since 600 BC It contains an antiseptic substance that can kill germs. Phenol content in the nature antiseptiknya five times more effective than with ordinary phenol.
In Chinese pharmacology, known as the betel plant has a warm and spicy nature. Traditionally they use betel leaves to shed fart, stop coughing, reduce inflammation, and eliminate itching. In traditional Indian medicine, known as the betel leaf is warmed aromatic substances, are antiseptic, and even increase libido.
By nature antiseptiknya, betel nut is often used to heal foot wounds because it contains styptic for bleeding and vulnerary hold, that heals the wound in the skin. Can also be chewed to improve sound quality in a singer.
From the research, as quoted in a book published by a medicinal plant Medicinal Plant Garden Karyasari disclosed that betel nut contains are coline in all parts of the plant. This substance is beneficial to stimulate the central nervous and thinking power, increasing the peristaltic movements, relieve snoring. Eugenol contained in the leaves which can prevent premature ejaculation, eradicate the fungus Candida albicans, and the character of analgesics (relieve pain). There is also the content of tannin in the leaves is useful to reduce the secretion of fluid in the vagina, protecting liver function, and prevent diarrhea.
Drug Leucorrhea
* Usefulness of betel leaves in curing leucorrhoea been clinically tested. This was disclosed by Amir Sharif of Pharmacology Section, University of Indonesia.
He said that betel leaves have a more significant efficacy compared with placebo.
Testing involved 40 patients who are not pregnant whitish, having diabetes mellitus, and kidney or liver disease. Twenty of them get betel leaves, while the rest were given placebo. Both the betel leaf or a placebo was given to the patient's vagina before bed for seven days.
Of the 40 patients, 22 people get re-examination, each of which 11 received placebo and betel leaf. The test results proved about 90.9 percent of patients who have otherwise recovered betel leaf, while in the group given placebo only 54.5 percent.
Other studies about the benefits of betel conducted at IPB Bogor. Ir. Nuri Andarwulan, Msi and friends of the Faculty of Bogor Agricultural Technology doing research for utilizing waste betel leaf essential oil to produce antioxidants. Antioxidant extract is so far still be imported.
This research potentially reduce the import value of antioxidant ingredients. In addition, the resulting emulsion products in research that can also be utilized for the beauty industry.
Meanwhile, in India there is a research report that said the betel leaves affect male fertility, as reported by the Indian Journal of Pharmacology. Effect of betel leaf on male fertility was tested on rats.
Allegedly, the provision of betel leaf extract containing alcohol orally in mice have antikesuburan effects. According to the report that increased dosage extract resulted in decreased sperm counts in rats.
In India, research on betel leaves is not only for fertility of men alone. There, the leaves have been investigated to treat asthma, bronchitis, rheumatism, leprosy, and toothache, even for erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, not many similar research in Indonesia. @ Diyah Triarsari
Betel leaf Recipes
Betel leaves useful for treating various diseases. Here is a recipe from the Medicinal Plant Garden Karyasari on how to use betel leaf for health.
1. Cough
* Prepare 15 pieces of betel leaf and three glasses of water. Rinse the leaves and simmer until remaining three quarters of parts. Drinks with honey.
2. Bronchitis
* Boil seven betel leaves that were washed with a piece of sugar cubes in two glasses of clean water. Wait until the left into one glass. Drink three times a day each third of the glass.
3. Eliminate body odor
* Take five pieces of betel leaves and boil with two glasses of water. Wait until the left into one glass. Drinking in the afternoon.
4. Burn
* Take a taste of betel leaves and wash. Squeeze the water and add a little honey. Put into place burns.
5. Nosebleed
* Prepare a betel leaves are rather young, and then crushed and roll. Use to plug a bloody nose.
6. Ulcer
* Take a sufficient amount of betel leaves and wash. After it was milled into powder and applied to the abscess and its surroundings. Balut and replace two meals a day.
7. Itchy and Red Eye
* Allow 5-6 young and fresh betel leaves boiled with a glass of water until boiling. Wait until cool and use to wash the eye with a glass eye wash three times a day until healed.
8. Ulceration and itching
Boil 20 * betel leaves to boiling. Use the cooking water is still warm to wash sore and itchy.
9. Stopping Gums Bleeding
* Boil four betel leaves in two glasses of water. Use it to gargle.
10. Sprue
* Take 1-2 pieces of betel leaves, then rinse clean. Chew until creamed and dispose of the waste after completion.
11. Eliminate Mouth Odor
* Have 2-4 pieces of betel leaves, wash and squeeze. Brewed with hot water and use to gargle.
12. Pimple
Take 7-10 * betel leaves, wash, and finely mashed. Brewed with two glasses of hot water. Use water to wash her face. Do it 2-3 times a day.
13. Whitish Boil 10 betel leaves that were washed in 2.5 liters of water. Use the still-warm boiled water to wash your vagina.
14. Reduce Excess Breast
* Take some betel leaves, wash and rub with coconut oil. Then warmed over a flame until softened. Stick around a swollen breasts while still warm.

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